Monday, May 4, 2009

My First Blog

Last night I read Song of Songs. Basically I got out of it that you shouldn't go looking for love and you shouldn't be tempted by lust that when the time is right it will come to you. But then I don't know if that is right so I'm confused. I had to read the NIV version then go back and read the Message version.

If that is completely wrong don't laugh at me! Seriously! I am so ashamed that I don't know more about the Bible. I should know simple stories. I should know who people are in the different books. Please give me feed back on what you think or know about this.

My prayer requests
I can do a better job with our finances so that we can someday own a home. I looked at house tonight for sale. It wasn't perfect but it would have been for our family. At the end of every payday we have about 100 bucks left for extras. That is for gas, going out to eat, swimming lessons, etc. That money has to come out of that. And it never is enough. I wish we could save that 100 bucks but then I don't know how we would do it either.

The Donnie won't have to surgery and the doctor will have a way to fix his knee without it. It sounds bad but I don't know how we will manage on 250 dollars week. Rent, Car Payments, are more then that a month not to mention diapers and food. We can go without directv or our phone for a couple months if needed. But we can't go without our home or car. We have no savings which goes back to Prayer Request number 1.

My Grandma Norma finds out Wednesday if she has cancer or not.

My Mother is in an adult nursing home type place. She had a stroke and hasn't recovered fully. This scares me because she is only in her 40's. I do not have a close relationship with my Mother but I don't wish her ill health. I wish I could do more for her. But with three kids it's impossible for me to drive to Manhattan and back. Plus going back to prayer request number 1. The cost of gas to go up there.

Kylie is doing better. Kirsten hasn't had a cough all week. Kendal is healthy. I am healthy and feeling pretty good.

Kendal and Kirsten play with three kids across the street everyday. They are the best of friends. I am so blessed to be able to watch them giggle and run together. They play house, fly kites, and color on the sidewalk. It's just so neat to see them interact. We are so lucky to have their family as neighbors.


  1. Jena,

    Welcome to the world of blogging! First, way to go on the decision to read God's Word and write about your thoughts and understanding. God will use that to increase your knowledge of the Bible. Keep it up and if you want to run a thought by me before you post, I would be glad to discuss it with you.

    I just attended the Song of Solomon Conference and will have the DVD soon of it. I will loan it to you to help you understand it better. It can be a very difficult book to understand as many Bible scholars disagree on what it means so don't get discouraged. It is about the love Solomon had for his wife.

    Looking forward to reading your thoughts!

  2. Okay, to me it seems like I'm just skimming the surface. I am not good at just reading and processing. I need movies, or pictures something for my photographic memory to process.

    Thanks for the help!
