Tuesday, May 5, 2009

credit report

Okay, I did some other reading and decided the first step in correcting our spending/budget problem is to check out our credit report. We have no looked at one since 2006. So it's probably time. I'm scared. I know the last time a bank looked it, it wasn't high. Since we filed bankruptcy it went back to zero. So we have to slowly build it up. Which is why most people wait 7 to 8 years before getting a home after a bankruptcy. I really hope we can do it before then.

A family across the street from us is moving! The one I posted about that has the three kids and our kids just love playing with. They are just moving in Hesston but they won't be here after school to play and during the summer to have sprinkler afternoons. I haven't told my children but I'm sure they will be so sad! I am sad!

I am taking Bethany's advice and reading Genesis. I'm going to try to get the first chapter read and make comments as I go....

Right away I noticed it says "there was evening there was morning..the first day" So should our days start in the evening? Are we doing things backwards by starting our day in the morning??

"It was good" every day and there were complete days. This wasn't just "big bang". It's good to read this. Kendal has been asking me questions. Last night the question was," why is Sunday the first day on the calendar but God said the day of rest was the 7th day and Sunday is our day of rest. " At first I looked at her like Who's child are you?? (not that she isn't smart but I just don't think of stuff like that.) I told her well calendars were not made by God but by some man trying to make money and he must of thought it was a good idea at the time. I am really bad at explaining stuff! I had no real answer for her.

If God made all living creatures...then the chicken came before the egg? I'm not trying to be funny. I'm seriously asking. If they just appeared of if they started out like an egg. Maybe I'm thinking to hard or maybe I'm to tired to think clearly right now.

I hope my questions and thoughts are not to elementary.

Praise for tonight: Kendal and Kirsten played so well this afternoon. Raining days or nights can be long and tonight it wasn't. I had to call them up for bedtime. They didn't want to stop coloring together. I asked if I could color with them and they said NO! So I felt a little left out but it was so nice to see them together and enjoying their time not fighting or arguing.

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